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07/30/20 12:53 PM #4024    


Marvin Dansie

Coke and I decided we needed to get out of the house for a while so we went for a road trip over to the Olympic Peninsula (north-west part of the state) to look at the big trees.


There were trees that were taller than this one in the Hoh Rain Forest (the only remaining temperate rain forest in the US), but this old Western Red Cedar was pretty impressive. It is outside the park, so it is a miracle it has survived.

I think it does your soul good to visit the old growth forests, it is like being in one of nature's sacred cathedrals.

If you ever have the opportunity to visit the Hoh Rain Forest, I highly recommend doing so.





07/31/20 03:20 PM #4025    


David Lynn

Wow, who was the tree trimmer? Those are nice.

08/01/20 08:57 PM #4026    


Carl Haymond

Awesome trip, Marvin. The Olympic Peninsula is an amazing and beautiful area. Great pic!

09/01/20 11:02 AM #4027    


Daryl Tucker

I haven't posted in a while. I hope everyone is surviving this pandemic in good shape. I see posts from some of you on Facebook, so I'm glad to hear that much from my great Red Devil friends. There have been many changes over the past six months and let's all hope the world settles down now and becomes that place we used to take for granted. 

I have just one item of news to share. Paul Johson's mother, Orpha Dee, passed away a little over a week ago. I know some of you were able to attend the graveside service at Evergreen Cemetery. I just want to add my condolences to Paul and his family.

09/02/20 11:32 AM #4028    


Carl Haymond

Thank you, Daryl. 

So sorry to hear about the passing of Paul's mother.  My sincere condolence to Paul and his family.

09/16/20 10:59 PM #4029    


Kenneth Strong

On a happy note, my granddaughter was art queen last year. She is homecoming queen this year. Makes me proud

09/17/20 10:25 AM #4030    


Carl Haymond

Great news Ken!  Congratulations to you, your grandaughter and family!

09/17/20 11:02 AM #4031    


David Lynn

I'm glad you are still here to enjoy it. Makes it worth living.

09/18/20 09:17 PM #4032    


Daryl Tucker

You deserve to be proud Ken! Congratulations.


On a different note, another parent of one of our classmates has passed away. Kate Roberson Schoening's dad passed away this week. I'm not sure about how public the viewing will be, but it is scheduled for Sunday at Wheeler Mortuary in Springville and the funeral will be on Monday. Details can be viewed on Wheeler's website. In any event, I just want Kate to know we love her and send her and her family our sincerest condolences.

10/02/20 04:34 PM #4033    


UTawna Johnson (Witney)

Happy Birthday, Linda Schardine!!

10/17/20 11:49 AM #4034    


Daryl Tucker

I hope you're all surviving this pandemic okay. I'm so glad we got to celebrate our 50-year reunion last year. It will last a long time as a great memory.

Just a note of sadness to add; Patty Young Hulce's dad, LeGrande, passed away this past week and there will be a graveside service this afternoon. I'm sure you will all join me in expressing our deepest condolences to Patty, Kenny and the whole family.

10/19/20 11:27 AM #4035    


David Lynn

So sorry Patty. It's hard to be a kid anymore after your Dad is gone.

11/20/20 08:19 PM #4036    


Shauna Bona (Leetham)

 Sorry about your Dad Patti!  I have had Covid for the last month, I hope no  one else gets it beause it sucks!! I knew i was brain dead being blonde and everything. But with Covid i really don't remember about a week of it. I did a lot of things that i don't remember at all. Kinda freaks you out when you here what a bitch I was to Mikele who was taking care of me. Glad my brain is back,but it leaves you really tired. But i survived and now I'm good to go again. Wear your masks and stay safe!!!! Love you all, Shauna


11/24/20 09:23 AM #4037    


Marvin Dansie

Shauna - Glad to hear that you survived covid and are here to tell the tale.

These are some of the darkest days of the pandemic and many people won't fare as well. I just wish people would take it seriously - just because they don't believe in it doesn't mean it won't still kill them. Hopefully (with the access to a vaccine) a year from now the pandemic will be in the rear view mirror.

11/27/20 01:34 PM #4038    


David Lynn

Sorry Shauna about your sister in law. So glad you made it through the Covid. Is it true blood type has something to do with how much you suffer with it? Sorry to all others that may have suffered. Stay safe everybody.

Also sad to hear about your sister Jill.

11/30/20 10:58 PM #4039    


Daryl Tucker

Sorry, Shauna, that you had to deal with the stupid virus and I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I'm sorry to hear about your sister-in-law's passing and I just heard today that Jill Christensen Tuttle lost a sister, too. 2020 is a year we'll all be glad to go away at the end of December. 

Mike Bowen pointed out that I had neglected to add Randy Morgan to the "In Memory" list last year. I've added his obituary and a couple of pictures I'm sure many of you will want to check out. He was definitely an iconic figure in our class. Love to you all and everybody try to stay healthy!

12/01/20 12:23 AM #4040    


UTawna Johnson (Witney)

Thanks, Daryl for the update.

Shauna and Jill, I'm sorry for the losses of your family members. heart

Shauna, my sister had the virus back in the spring and she still has up and down days. I hope your up days far outweigh the down days.

12/01/20 10:33 AM #4041    


Jill Christensen (Tuttle)

Thank you for your kind words . It's really hard to lose a sibling. Especially so suddenly. 

I want to wish all of you a very  healthy and Merry Christmas. 

I love our class and all of you . 

12/08/20 11:15 AM #4042    


Daryl Tucker

My heart goes out today to Jan Allred Carter who lost her husband, Milt, yesterday to Covid-19. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she faces this major transition in her life. I'll try to update this forum with any further information about services or commemorations, but considering this strange time in history,  I'm sure personal contacts will be limited. Reach out to her the best you can and let her know how much our class loves her.

12/08/20 04:26 PM #4043    


Jill Christensen (Tuttle)

Jan , I am so sorry . 
I love you . 💕 

12/08/20 05:39 PM #4044    


UTawna Johnson (Witney)


I am so sorry. My heart and prayers are with you. ♥♥

12/09/20 10:36 AM #4045    


Carl Haymond

Jan, there are no words to express my deep sadness over your loss.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your dear family.

12/09/20 10:52 AM #4046    


Paul Wheeler


Kathy and I would like to offer our sincere and loving thoughts to you at this sad experience that you now have to endure. A lost loved one, especially a spouse, is a challenge that can only be comforted by our individual thoughts and prayers as to a life well lived. Treasure the life you have lived and remember the wonderful times with him. A faith that a glorious reunion is planed for us all will hopefully get you through these challenging times.

Paul and Kathy Wheeler

12/09/20 11:28 AM #4047    


David Lynn

Jan, your tragedy has touched us all. You are so good to be with at our gatherings. Please feel our prayers and sorrow are with you.

12/09/20 12:19 PM #4048    


Susan Hardy (Stutznegger)

My heart is thinking of you Jan.  This is a path I have yet to walk but understand the difficulty it must bring.  May the Lord give you some peace and comfort and your family surround you.  There are many praying for you.


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